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Physical Health

Nutrition and Exercise

The S Challenge

12 week program


Seven to Seven  (7:00 pm - 7:00 am)

Intermitting Fasting 

Shake- Protein- Premier Protein   OWYN Shake -Vegan   

Seven bottles of 16.9 fluid ounces of H20 daily Liquid IV   Purified Waters

Shredded Wheat- 1 to 2 times a week- large bowl  Cereal for Fiber

Sensible Lunch or Salad with Protein  Try this Salad to Go Container!

Sensible Supper High in Protein, Low Carb

Sign up for My Fitness Pal free app to determine the caloric intake right for you.

Eliminate during the challenge:  

* Salt (added)

* Sugars (refined)

* Sodas

Low usage of

* Starch food​

Sweeteners (Artificial Sugars)



Monday, Wednesday, Friday:

Seven ARM Exercises with Dumbbells-

3 Sets of 12 Reps for each: 

*Bicep Curls          

*Triceps Extensions

*Bench Press

*Upright Rows

*Lateral Raises

*Front Raises

*Triceps Kick Backs

Equipment Options:    

Dumbbells and Rack   Glove Hand Weights

Seven CORE Exercises with Dumbbells -

3 Sets each

*Waiters Walk- 15 feet down and back

*Suitcase Carry- 15 feet down and back

*Russian Twists- 12 Reps

*Single Arm overhead press- 12 Reps

*Single leg Romanian Deadlift- 12 Reps

*Sit ups with weight (head to floor by feet)- 12 Reps

*Crunches with weight- 12 Reps   Exercise Mat


Tuesdays and Thursdays = Legs and Glutes  3 Sets of 12 reps

*Sumo Squats or Front Goblet Squats

*Reverse Lunges

*Hip Thrusts

*Romanian Deadlift

*Wall Sits (3 sets x 30 sec)

*Step Ups 

*Curtsey Lunges

*Walk or Jog 1 mile

Special Note:  Nutrition and Exercise goes hand in hand.  If we are sedentary and consume more calories than what we burn it will be difficult to lose or maintain our weight.  My Fitness Pal is a free APP to help monitor your intake and expenditure of calories.  Map My Fitness is a free APP that will link with My Fitness Pal as well as the Fit Bit Watch. I recommended the Versa below.


Cardiovascular Health       

5 times a week, 30 minute cardio workout in your Target Heart Rate Zone

Determine your target heart rate zone:  Learn at AHA Website HERE

What is your favorite cardio exercise?  If you struggle with leg and back issues choose to use the fold down Elliptical, Stationary Bike, or Swim laps. 

Outdoorsy?  Get active by HIKING OR out on the water with a Foldable Kayak  


Participate in Sexual Affections at least 2 times a week. 30 Ways to Enhance Your Sex Life book or Love, Sex, and Lasting Relationships: God's Prescription for Enhancing Your Love Life.  Not sexually active?  Check out this Article from Harvard Health  and  Harvard Health and Release of Oxytocin

Special Note: Sexual affections will reduce stress, improve mood, reduce blood pressure, and boost immunity.


  1. Sleep at least Seven hours of sleep a night.  

  2. Sleep Tips   Fit Bit Versa

    1. Allow 8 hours for bedtime as your body wakes up several times a night

    2. Follow a sleep routine

    3. Go to bed at the same time every night, wake up at same time every day

    4. Add soothing music while sleeping   Google Mini Home  OR Alexa Echo Dot

Wear an eye mask if needed   Sleep Mask



*Vitamin B12- Aim for 2.4 mg per day (Water Soluble)  

* Vitamin C- Less than 2000 mg per day

*Vitamin D-at least 600 IU per day DO NOT exceed more than 4000 IU's A day);   +Sit in the Sun often Sunscreen

*Calcium-1,000 mg a day for women

*Magnesium-320 mg a day for women over 40  (Vegan Magnesium with B6, B12 & D3)

*Omega 3- 500 mg Men and women over 40

*Probiotics- women over 40

*Chromium Picolinate-50 to 200 micrograms (mcg) per day  Take in the AM

*Daily Multivitamin


Special Note: Please consult with your Doctor if you have health concerns to prevent any issuess, If you are taking prescription meds please research with medical advice prior to taking any supplements, especially individuals taking blood thinners or heart meds.


Thank you for shopping for the recommended items to help you and your challenge partner by using the Amazon Associates Affiliate links!  The products could be for you or a gift to your challenge partner!

How to Gain Weight 
Power Challenge-
12 week Program

Affiliate Links
are in Purple,
Resource Links are in Red

 Daily:  3 Meals + 2 protein snacks/shakes

Breakfast: High Carb Breakfast

Protein Shake or Peanut butter Sandwich

Lunch:  High Protein Breakfast

Protein Shake or Peanut butter Sandwich or 2 servings of your choice of peanuts

Supper: High Carbohydrate Meal

Drink at least 4 x 16 oz of water

Workouts:  Same as Exercises but Increase weights with less reps:



Reducing Inflammation in your body for pain and weight loss- Topical: Voltaren Gel, Biofreeze, Aspercreme, or Icy Hot Lidocane Patch. Chiropractic Care- adjust your spine, Cryotherapy Nutrition- Tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and oranges, salmon, tuna, almonds, walnuts high-fiber carbohydrates Try turning the cold water on after you shower for a final rinse before getting out!

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